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Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)

SDF is a clear antimicrobial liquid that is painlessly “painted” on the cavities. As the silver compound kills the cavity-causing bacteria, and the fluoride hardens the remaining tooth, SDF temporarily stops the cavities from growing. It can be used as an alternative treatment method for very young, fearful child to hold off on dental treatment and help stop the decay process from progressing and in some cases, may be an alternative to sedation or general anesthesia. This therapy is safe, affordable, and reduces trauma and risk. Risks of SDF are it will permanently stain cavities black. Also, it does not restore tooth form or function, so large cavities may still require fillings. Finally, it cannot be used in the presence of active dental infection or decay into the nerve.

BPA-Free Sealants

Dental sealants are an inexpensive way to fortify your child’s teeth against decay. Sealants can effectively prevent your child from experiencing cavities and toothaches, or from needing extensive dental work. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry reports that with appropriate follow-up care and maintenance, sealants can be 80-90% effective in reducing cavity formation.